Sound Insulation

The Sound of Silence

Cellulose insulation quiets a home better than fiberglass insulation. A quiet home is relaxing and serene. Cellulose insulation quiets a home better than fiberglass and creates a peaceful haven of quality and solitude in new and existing homes and commercial buildings.

Insulating interior walls is also a good idea. This one-time luxury is now affordable. Your family will then be able to enjoy different activities simultaneously (such as using the computer, watching television, reading and sleeping).

Sound facts about noise control

Quiet Comfort
A quiet home is relaxing and serene with a peaceful aura of quality and solitude.

Homeowners realize that unwanted noise affects comfort, concentration, and behavior. That is why it is crucial to insulate the ceilings, walls, and floors with a material that effectively controls sound. And since noise from within the home can be equally disagreeable, it is a good idea to insulate interior walls and floors - so that several people or groups can simultaneously enjoy different activities (such as watching TV, reading, and using the computer).

Controlling noise is clearly important, but how can a homeowner or builder know which insulation is best at keeping a home quiet?

Put Them To The Test!
The best way to determine effectiveness is to conduct reliable, scientific tests. Sound Transmission Class (STC) is a laboratory measurement used to study the resistance of a wall, ceiling, or floor to the passage of sound. The higher the STC number, the more sound is deadened. The table below gives examples of STC ratings.

Sound Transmission Class (STC) Ratings

STC Rating Description of Performance
Loud speech understood fairly well
Loud speech audible but unintelligible
Loud speech audible as a murmur
Must strain to hear loud speech
Some loud speech barely audible
Loud speech not audible

Comparison Chart Of STC Ratings

And We Have A Winner!

As you can see, testing shows that cellulose quiets a home better than fiberglass. The homeowner will appreciate the difference everyday - in every room!

Custom Fit or One Size Fits All?
Different installation methods dramatically affect how well noise is controlled.

Fiberglass batts leave gaps and voids since they are cut and patched to fit the countless variations throughout a home.

Cellulose completely fills the spaces in walls and ceilings that help carry sound because it is sprayed in and provides a custom fit around wiring, plumbing, and other obstacles.

A Real Improvement For Every Home
Whether your home is in the planning stages or built 100 years age, cellulose will help keep it quiet - a real home improvement.

Ideal For Multi-Family & Commercial Use
In situations where sound control is even more critical, cellulose has proven extremely effective in thousands of applications.

FREE Estimate

We would be happy to come to your home and provide a FREE Estimate of your insulation needs. Please complete the following information and we will contact you to arrange an estimate. Please note our services are only available in the state of Minnesota. Thank you!

Name: E-mail: Street: City: State: Minnesota
Zip: Phone: Best Time To Call: House Built/Year:

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