Press Release
By: Single Female Homeowner at
From: Pioneer Press
Date: Article Last Updated: 08/29/2007
It all started online ...
This isn't usually a tell-all sort of column, but... oh, the men I've had hanging around all summer.
The neighbors noticed all the pickup trucks and other manly vehicles around my house right from the start this spring. They'd pose polite questions - worried about yet another stranger who'd come calling. But eventually, they stopped asking.
It started online, as most of these things do these days (1, see key below). I found a few guys who looked like good prospects and gave them a call.
After I started hanging out with Jeff, a favorite (2), he introduced me to a few of his friends.
First, there was Arne and his posse (3). They popped up in the most unlikely places (4) and left me with a warm feeling.
Randy opened new doors for me (5). What more can I say?
Then, it was Don, Kevin and Don Sr. (6). They were a bit destructive at first, stripping away old walls I'd hid behind for years (7), but steadily and with great skill, they left me with a whole new outlook (8).
Jeff made sure I was happy with their company the whole time, calling or e-mailing to check on me.
Next, he sent Jim and his pal John (9). They were around for about a week, but my brush with them left behind bright new colors for my world.
And through it all was Rick (10). Oh, sure, I knew he was married. His wife is one of my best friends. When this crazy summer started, I even told her I loved him. She looked slightly puzzled but smiled and nodded.
I felt no guilt when I saw Rick's face first thing most mornings for weeks this summer. He had advice for me (11). He watched out for me (12). And he even spoke up when he thought the other men in my summer weren't treating me right (13).
Sure, at times it got ugly (14), but I knew it was all for the sake of improvement (15).
But now, it's over. They've all moved on.
My neighbors are no doubt relieved that the traffic and noise have ended. They even compliment me on my improved color and overall appearance.
The cat is relieved he'll no longer have to jump out of bed when pickup trucks park at the curb (16).
I guess I'm a little relieved, too. There's only so much pounding (17) a body can take.
And there's nothing broken. I chose my summer men wisely.
In fact, all these men left behind something wonderful (18). There's not a day that will go by that I won't look around me and appreciate the warmth, color and beauty they brought to my life during this very special summer (19).
Contact Single Female Homeowner at Her column appears every other week in the Pioneer Press.
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