Bypasses can allow enormous amounts of warm, moist air to leak into your attic. Mold often forms when this moisture is allowed to stay in the attic. Once attic bypasses are sealed there is no longer a moisture source, therefore, the mold will simply stop growing and die.
Proper humidity levels help save your home from moisture damage. Excess moisture can migrate through walls, floors and ceilings to the home's exterior where it can condense and freeze in the winter. This can cause extensive damage to the exterior of the home. Moisture can seep into insulation and make it much less effective.
High indoor humidity can foster the growth of molds, fungi, and mildew, which can damage home furnishings and cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems.
Moisture evaporates into water vapor in your home. Relative humidity is a measure of how saturated the air is with water vapor. Whether your trying to heat or cool your home, your comfort depends on humidity as well as temperature. Proper humidity levels help you feel comfortable at cooler temperatures during winter and at warmer temperatures during the summer. That helps you save energy.
When you seal and insulate your home for energy savings, large amounts of moisture from bathing, cooking, washing clothes and other home activities can remain inside. Plumbing leaks, unvented clothes dryers, fish tanks, humidifiers and basements can be additional sources of moisture in your home. High indoor moisture can be a hazard to the home and its occupants, and drive up energy bills.
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