This Diagnostic Tool Also Known As A Blower Door Tests The Home For Air Leaks And/Or If The Home Is Too Air Tight

Blower Door Tests

Houle Insulation often uses a diagnostic tool called a blower door test to help locate air leaks in your home. A blower door test, made of a fan in a frame-and-panel assembly that temporarily fits into an exterior door opening with diagnostic instruments for measuring air leakage, can help determine where cold air is "sneaking" into your home or if it is too air tight.

This diagnostic tool, also known as a blower door, tests the home for air leaks and/or if the home is too air tight. (See Right)

During this informative test, your house will be depressurized, by pulling air from the house, to analyze areas of air infiltration. You'll actually be able to feel where air enters your home since the blower door test tells how "tight" a house is. This test is designed to help in identifying sources and locations of air leaks or bypasses.

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