Finished Attics in Story-and-a-Half Homes

One of the most common style of homes that Houle Insulation Inc. re-insulates is the 1-1/2 story with a finished attic. The finished attic consists of separate sections that may require different sealing and insulating methods:
  • The peak attic, located above the finished attic.
  • The sloped roof (slant wall) where wall/roof finish is installed directly to roof rafters.
  • Knee walls, between the finished attic and unconditioned attic space.
  • Outer ceiling joists (floor), between the knee wall and top plate of exterior wall.

Expansion Attics in Story-and-a-Half Homes Diagram

Houle Insulation, Inc. follows these specifications when insulating finished attics:

  • Seal attic bypasses before insulating.
  • Assure adequate structural integrity to support the weight of the insulation.
  • Create an airtight and structurally sound seal in the joist space under the knee wall.
  • When possible, insulate the slant wall with dense pack cellulose.
  • Insulate knee walls with dense pack cellulose or fiberglass batts.
  • When the knee wall area is used for storage, cover insulation with house wrap to prevent exposure to insulation fibers.
  • Insulate knee wall access hatches with fiberglass batt covered with house wrap.

Once this work is done to the typical expansion attic homeowners will notice a definite moderation of temperature of their upper level. This method of insulating also helps eliminate ice dams in this style of home.

FREE Estimate

We would be happy to come to your home and provide a FREE Estimate of your insulation needs. Please complete the following information and we will contact you to arrange an estimate. Please note our services are only available in the state of Minnesota. Thank you!

Name: E-mail: Street: City: State: Minnesota
Zip: Phone: Best Time To Call: House Built/Year:

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